Thursday, February 23, 2012

I want to remember…

…the way my baby laughs in her sleep and gives me that big toothless grin.

…the sound of the twins laughing at each other through the baby monitor when they get up from their naps.

…the excitement that Ian has when he makes a match when he plays “cards”.

…the way all 3 boys dance to their favorite songs…each in their own silly ways.

…the complete and total innocence of all 4 of my kids at this point in their lives.

I want to be able to freeze these memories in time...

to be able to come back again to what was.

1 comment:

  1. They like you and your brother are so different yet so much alike.


I go CRAZY when i get know as in I LOVE hearing from you! Go ahead and say hi! It makes me so excited!