Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Into the World Wednesdays – She Reads Truth – Proverbs 2

I began the new #SheReadsTruth study on Monday of this week.  I am excited for this opportunity to study with such a large group of women in the online community.  For more information about #SheReadsTruth click below:

Paraphrasing verses 1-10, I understand it as follows:

IF you make an effort to really LISTEN for what God is trying to tell you, you SEEK to understand his wishes, AND if you LOOK for it like it is something VERY VERY special to you then you WILL find what God wants you to know and you will understand the fear/awe of the Lord.

I understand this to coincide perfectly with the following scripture verses:

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7
“But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”  Deuteronomy 4:29
He will give you WISDOM for what to do in your life and that wisdom will give you peace in your decision making. 

These verses could not come at a more opportune time for my family and I.  We will be moving to a new house soon and exactly where is very much up in the air.  With 4 kids, 1 income and living in one of the most expensive parts of the country it comes as no surprise that we've made the decision to downsize to a smaller and less expensive house.  That part I am fine with.  Honestly, I am HAPPY with it.  I've felt called for quite some time to simplify our lives and this step is just another step in that journey. 

The “unknowns” are the part that drives this planner crazy.  Where will we end up?  When will we move?  When will our house sell?  Even, how is moving day going to go with 4 little people, 3 of which are in diapers and 1 of which is sorta potty trained.  How are they going to adapt to new living arrangements?  What if “x”?  What about “y”?  How will “z” work out?

The MOST important thing RIGHT NOW in our current situation is to pray with an open heart and with earnest to our Lord for direction and discernment for the decisions we will be making in the near future.
To know God’s will for your life you need to ask Him for His wisdom and understanding and seek it with a PURE heart.  This means to open yourself up to His TRUE WILL, not to be overshadowed or tainted by what YOU want.  THAT my friends, is the hard part for me.  I know what I would prefer, for reasons like: it would be “easier for me”, “make x, y & z people happier” or what would make sense as far as commuting for my husband.  These are the things WE see right in front of us.  These are the things that make sense to us or pull on our heart strings.

However, God sees MORE.  God sees EVERYTHING.  God sees how each decision fits into our lives and Romans 8:28 tells us “all things work together for the good of those who love him, and are called according to His purpose”.  Our job is to prayerfully ask Him to reveal His will for our lives and to open ourselves up to receive it.

Dear Jesus I ask you to give me a pure heart open to YOUR WILL for our present circumstance WHEREVER or WHATEVER that may be in YOUR time.  
What have you been learning in the Bible?  Please join myself and these fantastic ladies for this encouraging linkup!  

Sarah at Fontenot Four 
Falen at Upward Not Inward 
Kelly at Exceptionalistic 

Tales of Beauty for Ashes

Into the Word Wednesday Blog Hop Rules:
1. Write a post about what God is teaching you this week.
2.  Follow the host and hostess. 
3. Grab a button to put on your blog - the more the merrier!
4. Check out (and comment) other people's blogs and be blessed by all the sisters and brothers around the world!


  1. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN! Love this blessed post Kelly! I am right there also, my study this week is about when Lord, I know you know but I would like a little peek, but thats how God gets his people to TRUST and BELIEVE in his every word! So all I can do is wait for the land to pop up that we can afford, and then wait for the bank that the Lord wants us to go through, and then wait for the right people that will have there hands in the building our our home. He is faithful each and every day to us, and all I can do is trust that he knows what he is doing! Thanks for sharing your bible time with us!

  2. So awesome. It's hard to wait and trust, but those times are what build our faith in God. He always comes through!

  3. Living in the land of the unknowns and what ifs is so draining. I've been doing it here recently too. The "hurry up and wait" mentality of the military has me on the edge. BUT, God's got this!

    Great post! I have been meaning to start one of the plans on She Reads Truth and just haven't yet. Gonna have to check into that again!

  4. I am a new follower from blog working wednesday would love a follow back at

  5. Great reminder of the wonderful truth that He will answer us when we call!

  6. Wanted to stop by and say thank you for linking up for blogworking wed! I hope you met some great new bloggers!

  7. Thank you for sharing. God's ways are always the best ways, though too often we find ourselves trying our ways first. Thank you for linking up at Simply Helping Him :) Blessings!

  8. I totally understand how you feel about needing to "plan" and how hard it is to swallow the unknown. The way you tied that into the scripture really spoke to me because in my life, there are a few unknowns right now and that TERRIFIES me! I want to KNOW and plan and...control. But, I can't and I shouldn't. Trust is not my strong point. Thanks for the inspiration to continue trying to seek after His will and not my own.

  9. This is excellent, and timely for me. I'm struggling w/ my elderly mom, and I don't even know how to pray. But, praying w/ a pure heart spoke to me. I need to examine my own hurts, and see how to get past those. Thank you!


I go CRAZY when i get know as in I LOVE hearing from you! Go ahead and say hi! It makes me so excited!