Monday, November 5, 2012

Hosea & my husband

I am so blessed to have met some wonderful women at church.  I so enjoy the REALNESS of these girls during our weekly bible study and they have no idea how much they've impacted my life.  I truly value each of them.

Recently, we were discussing who in our lives was our Hosea.  You see Hosea never gave up on his wife even though she left him, publicly embarrassed herself and him over and over.  He NEVER gave up.  He NEVER ever stopped loving.

Who saved me?  Who has always been there unwavering even when I didn't deserve it?

A couple of the girls spoke up about their husbands.  I just kept nodding in agreement and couldn't help but hold back my tears…and I am not really the crying at bible study type.  Crying in public makes me a little uncomfortable for some reason.  Anyway, I digress…

I feel 100% that my husband is my Hosea.  I've joked to people at times since J and I got married that I don’t know what God was doing when J and I got together.  Perhaps he was sleeping?  I don’t deserve J in the least.  Not one bit.  Somehow God saw fit to give him to me as my husband and I am so grateful.  Our first year was rough.  You can read about that here.

Honestly my past was a “past”…

I went through that party girl phase.

I was self-absorbed.

I only cared about what I was doing, accomplishing, etc.

wasn't very nice.

J was pretty much perfect.  I was a mess.  I liked to think I was good at hiding it.

I regret that person for the way I treated people I love.  I don’t regret that time though, because I firmly believe that made me who I am and am blessed to share my story in even some small way. 

God redeems.  God loves UNCONDITIONALLY, although I think that much love is almost impossible to fathom. 

I pray to share with my kids one day in a way that teaches so they don’t have to have the rough road to hoe.  Although, to be perfectly honest I've always tended to do things the hard way so I pray.  I pray again & I pray some more that they don’t have that gene. 

I pray their Hosea to find them one day.


  1. I love you Kelly!
    I am a little awkward with crying in public as well... Maybe because I am an ugly cryer? lol

  2. It seems that God new just what you needed in a husband. I love how He can teach us so much through our marriages.

  3. I love this post and your blog, I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. God is good. So happy you two found each other in this crazy thing called life :) Love you Kel! Great post as usual!

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  5. Girl...I'm telling you...our friendship is Kismet! We have to video chat sometime and get to know one another better! XOXO

  6. Oh girlfriend - you would be so uncomfortable in a bible study with me then! LOL I tear up all the time!

    I know without a doubt that my husband is my Hosea. God showed me that for a fact Himself!

  7. awwwwwwww this is so incredibly awesome and sweet! God is awesome and so wonderful to give you J and to bring you out on the other side of that part of your life. yay God! =)


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