Friday, January 4, 2013

A list according to a bestie

Happy Friday all!  I have a treat for you today!  One of my besties Cecelia is back on the blog today!!!  You might remember her from this post in December.


Hello again friends of the Houtz House Party Blog! I wanted share a little more about myself in the shortest, sweetest way I know.......bullet points!

Ok, here goes!

I am a someone who...

-didn't even think she wanted kids until her mid twenties then wanted     them ASAP
-now has a 5 year old, 3 year old and 7 month old
-doesn't feed her kids all organic foods
-doesn't believe in making beds
-takes her kids to at least one museum a month
-oves Legos and grudgingly shares them with her kids
-married her jr. high and high school sweetheart
-lets her boys eat popcorn for dinner one night a week
-planned 2 home births and had 3 hospital births
-has a college degree collecting dust so she can be a SAHM
-hates to shop for herself
-embraces her faults and has no problem saying "You were right" to her husband way too often
-wants to be a librarian, trauma counselor or travel planner when she grows up
-is torn over decisions like vaccinations and home schooling
-recycles as much as possible because she used to live close to a landfill
-has a dog named Bob Barker, who isn't spayed or neutered
-thinks the ideal date is either a concert or canoeing
-loves original Syfy movies
-daydreams about living somewhere super secluded
-loves baby wearing and strollers
-is a horrible cook, has even ruined macaroni and cheese
-hates to be cold but has nightmares if she's too hot
-purges her house twice a year since she has hoarders on both sides of her family tree
-dearly loves dried mango, moscato and sharp cheddar
-believes a marriage is only as good as the communication between the couple
-wants to throw herself a birthday party with a jumpy house, a band and a cotton candy machine
-can't take herself seriously in lipstick
-puts her kids to bed at 8 and indulges in 3-4 quiet hours alone each evening
-believes the worst part about parenting is teething
-admits to using disposable diapers and a pacifier for her baby
-loves her gray hair
-thinks a cup of mint green tea, a hot shower and reggae music can fix even the worst day
-is glad to be sharing and guesting blogging here.

Thanks to Kelly for having me. I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about me!


I LOVE this girl!  She is as REAL as it gets and ANYONE can be their absolute self around her and she accept you anyway.  

PS:  Isn't she BEAUTIFUL???

PPS:  Don't you think she needs a blog???

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  1. YES...she needs a BLOG! I am in love with the "Bob Barker dog who is NOT spayed or neutered!" Almost spit my coffee on my iPad! LOL!

  2. She totally needs a blog :) And...I have a hard time sharing Legos with the little ones as well as coloring pages. I have a very hard time letting a kido color on my page ;)


I go CRAZY when i get know as in I LOVE hearing from you! Go ahead and say hi! It makes me so excited!