The simple answer is that we are in Florida! I remember as a kid I always thought it would
be a dream come to true to live by the beach!
Well guess what? Dreams DO come
The hows and whats of how that move came about can only be described
in the following scripture verse:
28 And we know that in all
things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his
When I began staying home with our children after our twins were born
we knew our home, in one of the most expensive areas of the country, would be a
tough thing to keep. We knew that
cutting our income in half would require lifestyle adjustments and perhaps the
downsizing of our home. Downsizing
sounds funny when your family is up-sizing quickly. 14 short months after the birth of our twins
we welcomed baby number four, a baby girl we now refer to as “Big Jules”. A few weeks after her birth this blog was
born with THIS post.
Life with 4 kids age 2 ½ and under was crazy, difficult and SUCH A
BLESSING! I look back and feel like
maybe I had things together way more than I do now after having 4 years of experience
as a SAHM!
Fast forward almost a year and with the sale of our home we moved a
little farther away from the hustle and bustle of the DC area. It was a BEAUTIFUL 1800s home we were able to
rent fairly cheaply. It did not turn out
in the way we thought it would though.
We moved out in less than 6 months.
That was a tough time of uncertainty in our lives. You can read about that in a series of blog posts found here.
J’s parents were gracious enough to allow us to live with them for 5 months while we decided what the next step would be for our family. Although we didn't understand it at the time, the “dream home” debacle ended up opening up our minds to the opportunity to follow our dream of moving to Florida.
A little rewind to our reasoning into why…REALLY…Florida? Every land locked kid (I’m originally from
Ohio)… that grows up going on even 1 vacation to the beach...dreams of one day
living there. How can you hate that
fresh ocean breeze? Fast forward past
those family vacations and into adulthood.
Shortly after getting married we traveled down to Florida for a week to
stay with some of J’s family who lived in a small town about a 15 minute drive
to the beach.
This town was the epitome of that sleepy southern coastal town. The slower pace of life and kindness of the people reminded me of my hometown in Ohio. The people were laid back, down to earth and
spoke with that sweet southern drawl you hear in the movies. The beach was NOT lined with high rise hotels
and cheesy beach shops with overpriced souvenirs. Instead, it was lined with beach cottages and
larger homes with only a sprinkling of bed and breakfasts and small
hotels. The south end boasted of private
beaches of the Ritz Carlton and Omni. My husband had been visiting for years with
his family and it was love at first sight for me. J and I enjoyed that vacation and talked
about what a great place it would be to raise children.
Shortly after moving in with our in-laws we began to consider the
very real possibility of a move to that town in Florida. We soon found out J would be allowed to keep
his job with his company and work out of a home office. We knew Florida was where we had eventually
dreamed of ending up and with the benefits some family close by and a much cheaper cost of living than what we were used to outside of Washington DC, we went for it. Making a definitive decision was important because the school years were fast approaching and we wanted to be settled prior to that time. We found a rental home and a preschool for our oldest son with ease.
In February we moved from our country home to Justin’s parents and
on July 1st of that same year we were moving into our rental home in
We've since moved into our permanent home, found an amazing
church home and made fabulous friends.
Our family has settled into the southern life seamlessly and we are so
very grateful. As I’m writing this story
I am reminded once again how God works out things in our lives in ways we cannot
even begin to fathom. I am so grateful!